What you should know when using Chrisvicmall Purchase and Shipping Service
- We do not guarantee the quality of the goods you are buying. We are just your procurement/shipping agent and none of the goods belongs to us.
- Apart from the quotation given to you our platform, please note that sometimes there might be an additional shipping fee from the supplier office to our office. In most cases, this occurs when buying from 1688.com. The shipping fee is normally between $1 to $10.
- Note that it takes between 2 to 4 days for an item to reach our China office from the time we process it to the time supplier ship it to us.
- A processed order cannot be cancelled. This is because most suppliers do not accept the return of goods without good reason. Besides, it is time-consuming.
- When purchasing fragile items like television, phones, glasses, etc, our responsibility is to protect it well before delivery, however, we will not be held responsible for the damage.
- Sometimes there might be a delay due to out of stock of product, local delivery service inability to deliver the product on time. When such happens, please be patient.
- It is your responsibility to specify your product options as clear as possible. We procure based on the link and options you gave to us. Failure to do so might lead to cancellation of order or delay in processing of your order. We will not be held responsible due to inability to specify what you need.
- It is not our responsibility to provide item weight during purchase. Please make sure to check the weight of the item you are purchasing to avoid outspending your budget.
- When buying from 1688.com, please always use Aliexpress as a reference. It will help you to understand what you are purchasing.
- After we purchase and deliver the goods to you, if you would like to report any issue, you can do that within 7days of receiving the goods. After 7days, reporting of product issue is not accepted.